Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Thoughts Pre-Serial Event

Thoughts before the:
SERIAL Podcast Event

Journalism’s Rescue of Justice
For decades the general public had confidence in the United States justice system, until a recent movement of journalism showing faults in past arrests or convictions. The journalistic investigation of the justice that had been served in cases from popular media like the SERIAL podcasts or the series Making A Murderer, creating doubt in the minds of the people. The integrity driven journalists can easily poke holes in the prosecution and find missed leads, forcing the readers to wonder why investigators are missing the mark.

The SERIAL podcast series is narrated by Sarah Koenig, the same woman who is doing much of the research and investigating. Season one focused on the 1999 murder of a young girl named Hae Min Lee, and her convicted ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed. One of the main issues in the case is that many people, including Syed, can’t remember what happened or where they were on the day in question. However, that’s only part of the problem. As Koenig digs deeper she beings to find leads that weren’t pursued, and after a little probing the story seems to change.

Adnan Syed was tried and convicted for the killing of his ex-girlfriend at the age of 18, he received a life-sentence for the crime. Now he is 34 years old and once again his case is in the spotlight, this time for different reasons. Koenig frequently calls Syed in prison to talk about the day in question, and it’s clear that they develop a bond through the process.

The relationship between the Koenig and Syed began to grow, and at times it felt difficult to hear her concede that maybe he was guilty. Koenig, like any journalist, was eager to follow leads that could exonerate Syed. But was that a passion for the truth, or a drive to free a prisoner?

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