Monday, February 22, 2016

When I was began thinking about this assignment, and which article I would begin with, I had trouble thinking about what I had read recently. After much deliberation I decided that I wouldn't select a new article, but instead one that I read almost two years ago that still resonates with me today. The article, titled 'A Most American Way to Die' from Rolling Stone's April 15, 2013 issue. The article focuses on the Stand Your Ground statute that was a major issue in Florida years ago.
I remember reading this piece when it was published in 2013, and I can recall being moved enough to want to learn more about the tragic death of the innocent Florida teenager. I think that one of the reasons I felt such a strong connection to this piece was the style of writing used by author Paul Solotaroff. Only nine months before this incident, Trayvon Martin was killed, sparking a rise of outrage from black communities across the United States.
For me, Solotaroff does a great job of providing information on the incident, including lots of detail, and he provides background information on the gun laws in Florida as well as past gun rights incidents in the state. As a journalist it is clear he is focused on the facts and finding the truth based on the evidence he provides, and it makes him that much more trustworthy. By giving more context, he allows the reader to complete the full picture in their mind and draw a conclusion for themselves.
The topic of gun control is very touchy especially with the major incident occurring in  Florida— not the liberal California that I grew up with. Compounded on that, is the racial tension that brought movements such as Black Lives Matter to light. Solotaroff, doesn't take a racial side. Which is important to me because if he did, his credibility would plummet. He remains objective in his writing, not allowing any bias to skew his words or thoughts.

After reading this article the first time, I thought about it for months. Today, years later, I am still passionate enough about the topic to find myself outraged at the events that took place. I respect the work of Rolling Stone, and this is one example that I think shows how journalistically focused they truly are. Sololtaroff does an excellent job of reporting the facts to the reader, allowing multiple angles to be shown, and remaining objective—three things that I think help make this such a strong piece of journalism.

Here is the article:
Rolling Stone: A Most American Way to Die

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